In 1944 Axis weapons development scientists improved the already potent MG42. Combining two together with a steel reinforced blast shield and the MG44 Zwei was born.
"Ziz is ser gut, but I vant two!" exclaimed Feldwebel Lara Walter.
Lara is the last of the models that come with the Dust Tactics: Core Revised Set.
Lara is a potent Axis hero, capable of dealing out huge amounts of damage to light and medium infantry and even damaging light armoured targets and aircraft. With her powered armour she is also great for soaking up incoming fire from enemies and keeping a squad she joins alive for a few additional rounds.
I kept the main base coat pretty light and after some light washes added some line highlighting. She ended up pretty close to what I was after so I was happy with the outcome. It was nice to finish the basic play set and have enough to get some initial tester games in with them all painted.